I called around 2 because they weren't going away but nobody ever called me back so I called Labor & Delivery at Cottage. They told me just to come down so they could check me. When I got there the monitor said I was actually having them every two minutes. Monitored me for a few more hours and then came in and gave me a shot of terbutaline and two hydroxyzine. As soon as I got those the contractions stopped. They also game me the fetal fibronectin test (which tells if you're going to deliver in the next two weeks) and that came back negative (Thank God!). They told me if they stayed gone for a couple of hours that I could go home. So about 11pm I got released on bedrest with an "irritable uterus" and told to call my OB on Monday to let her know what happened and see if they wanted me to come in.
So now I'm home and stuck in bed but very glad that the little man decided not to make an early appearance after all! Just wanted to let you all know what was going on and that we are FINE but will have to be taking it easy from now on! I hope they will let me off bed rest when I call tomorrow but even if they don't it's much better being home and in bed then it is in the uncomfy hospital!
Here is a pic of me in my stylish hospital robe! LOL

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