Saturday, September 25, 2010


Lil David went to the Pediatric GI yesterday and it went really well. As soon as we walked in ALL the ladies absolutely LOVED him! He got weighed and he's now 17lbs even! BIG improvement. So he's started gaining weight again. He's almost 27 inches tall. The GI is having me split up his does of medicine to half of it twice a day instead. He also wants me to get back off the dairy for now so no more of that, but I'm used to it now. He goes back in a month for a check-up to make sure his reflux is still doing good but for now all is going great.

My dad got the house last week! It was his birthday on Friday so we had a little pizza party over there. It's been a nightmare getting all the repairs completed but today was finally the last one. Now he just needs some furniture and he will be able to move in soon. I'm really happy for him and hope that he enjoys the great view. It's a well deserved move up and I am taking a BIG sigh of relief. It's been a lot of work but VERY much worth it!! He has a spot for a pool table too so he will be having lots of fun soon! Yay! It will be very nice to be able to bring the little man over for visits at Grandpa's house too! :)

Big David's school is going good, I'm SOOOO proud of him! He's doing a great job and even though he hasn't been in school for a while he's doing well on tests and he's great at drawing blood. He's juggling a LOT right now, being a husband, Daddy and a student but somehow he's managing to do ALL of them and be great at each! He's amazing, that's all I can say.

Not much is new with me, just exhausted and even though I should be sleeping I can't of course. :) I'm looking forward to everyone being settled and things to calm down over the next couple of months. The holidays are coming so that will but fun! Angelica and I went and got DJ's halloween costume as you can see, and it's just adorable. I think that's about it. I will be taking new pictures over the weekend so I will post them as soon as I can. Hope everyone is doing well. Love you guys!

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20 week ultrasound