Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We got back from Avila yesterday. We had such a great time! It was beautiful weather all weekend and it felt sooo good to get out of the house! I tried my best to take it easy but I still overdid it, I'm soooo exhausted now! We went and saw Avatar 3D and it was really good!

UPS dropped off the rug for the baby's room today. Sally is going to come attach the baseboards and then David will be able to put together the furniture! Yaaaay his room is almost done! :)

Here is our view from the room! So beautiful!

Some guy was nice enough to offer to take some pics of us!

1 comment:

  1. I figured it out! yes! You two look so happy, and your not fat!!! just pregnant :) I love Avila beach fond memories of going there as a young child with my mom and sister and getting snocones and going to the pool and jacuzzi that has a movie theatre


20 week ultrasound